为庆祝中国共产党成立百年,CGTN大型融媒系列直播报道《穿越百年》将于6月15日正式启程。为期11天的直播,我们的记者将探访革命圣地,穿越时空,带领海内外观众在今昔对比中感受中国共产党“为人民谋幸福,为民族谋复兴”的初心与使命,以及中国在党的领导下取得的伟大成就和人民的幸福生活。To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China, CGTN's special livestreaming series "Centenary and Beyond" will officially begin on June 15. Through the 11 days of livestreaming, CGTN reporters will visit some of the most renowned places in the history of the Communist Party of China. Stay tuned with CGTN.戳下方👇《穿越百年》精彩预告片一睹为快,猜猜我们都会去哪里打卡呢?11天的直播,CGTN的记者们将在上海中共一大会址探讨中国共产党成立的意义;在曾经的“民族工业和军事工业的发祥地”——江南造船厂看巨轮起航;还将重走长征路,在红原若尔盖草原感受革命先烈的英雄气概;在延安的窑洞里体验抗日军民“自己动手,丰衣足食”的自力更生精神……更多精彩,请于6月15-25日锁定CGTN《穿越百年》直播系列。One hundred years of trailblazing. One hundred years of striving. From extreme poverty to a well-off society. From a sleeping giant to a responsible global power. Mission and vision. From the past and into the future.
Decoding Communist Party of China. Centenary and Beyond, only on CGTN.